
Benzodiazepine seclusion - Tips For Coping Successfully

While not everyone will experience difficulties tapering off a benzodiazepine (tranquilliser), many are field to adverse and bizarre symptoms which can prove traumatic. The following tips will help whatever making ready to taper or already in the process of withdrawing.

Cold turkey:

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

If you are currently taking a benzodiazepine, please do not cease the drug right away as this is risky and can cause seizures, resignation psychosis and protracted withdrawal. It is best to withdraw at a comfortable pace considered by you, under the management of your doctor and using a tapering program such as those outlined in the Ashton Manual.

Unique experiences:

It is best to not anticipate a difficult resignation as each individual's experience is unique and not everyone is field to severe and protracted symptoms. Focusing mainly on negative accounts and anticipating the worst may intensify your anxiety and hinder recovery.

Support system:

Having a reliable maintain base of at least a few family members or friends to contribute emotional and practical maintain will make a big difference. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. If you are isolated, try getting online forum maintain from those who can communicate to your experience. Even speaking to a helpline employee is great than trying to cope on your own; sharing your concerns can be therapeutic.

Affirmations/Positive Self-talk:

This is a powerful strategy for coping with worrying thoughts. Instead of focusing on the symptoms and intensifying your anxiety, you can use definite affirmations such as "I am grateful for my healing" or "Every day in every way, I am getting great and better" to create a definite shift in energy. Try to stay in awareness and when you notice the negative self-talk just gradually tell yourself to 'stop' (without judgment) and switch to a definite affirmation.


Finding at least one breathing technique that works indubitably for you is key. An easy way to create a rhythm is by focusing on your breath as you take air in and breathe out slowly. There are many very recommended techniques together with diaphragmatic breathing. Once you find one that works well for you - that feels unforced and natural - use it to your advantage.


This is a time to be self-indulgent so do not feel guilty if all you feel like doing is curling up on the couch with a good book or movie. Enjoy distracting yourself with online games, keep mentally stimulated with puzzles, watch funny You Tube clips, try watercolour painting, listen to uplifting music and do all the leisurely activities that you had no time for when life was busy. Avoid stressful situations, emotionally draining people and remember it is okay to say 'no'. Those who indubitably care will understand and once you are well again you will be able to commit and give more of yourself.

Dietary modifications:

During resignation the nervous system can be in a constant state of hyper-excitability. Some find it indispensable to monitor and modify their diets to minimise gastric disturbances and other symptoms. Having small, frequent, simple, low glycaemic meals, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, sugar/sweeteners, mono sodium glutamate (Msg) and processed ready-meals are all reported to help. It is also prominent to stay hydrated by drinking sufficient amounts of water throughout the day.


Alcohol works on the same receptors in the brain as benzos (Gaba). Having even a minute estimate during resignation is known to exacerbate symptoms as it interferes with receptors' up-regulation or healing. If you are having unpleasant symptoms and are still spellbinding alcohol, try omitting it for a while and see if your health improves. This is important; those who consume alcohol during resignation should never be surprised if symptoms last for a long time and are intense.


Implementing a vigorous exercise habit can sometimes worsen symptoms so a gentle habit with gradual growth is advisable. Conversely, exercise well tolerated can be very useful during withdrawal; your body will let you know your limits. Even a short walk in fresh air or a straightforward yoga habit to keep the power flowing should make a definite difference.

Complementary therapies:

The reported benefits of massages, osteopathy, chiropractic care, reflexology and other complementary therapies during resignation are conflicting. In cases of ultimate sensitivity they can cause symptom flare-ups and it is good to be aware of this. Should you have an unwanted reaction, a gentle approach could be an selection until you are well sufficient to enjoy deeper stimulation.


Vitamins and other supplements cause negative reactions in some people while others have found that they seem to help. One person could proudly announce that a particular supplement was a miracle remedy or accelerated healing in some way and when other tries it, the outcome is unpleasant. It is a matter of observing and excluding: if you are having a problematic resignation while taking supplements, try omitting them to see if your symptoms improve.


When sleep is disrupted during resignation it can take time for a normal pattern to be resumed. If you have already eliminated the usual culprits such as caffeine, alcohol, uncomfortable room temperature, television in room, late news/mental stimulation, loud noises, spellbinding lights, etc., you could try sleep Cds, breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques. However, during acute resignation you may find that nothing works. Non-resistance will minimise your anxiety and deep relaxation and rest may be the only options. ultimately you will sleep for a few hours at a time and this will growth until you end up having a full, sound night's sleep of a much great capability than when you were on the drug.


The most prominent resignation coping tool is acceptance of the symptoms. If you can assume the role of 'detached observer' and retort that the symptoms are temporary and a indispensable path to recovery, then you may not feel inclined to fight them. The more you resist, the more power you give to the symptoms, and they will end up having a much stronger than indispensable influence on your experience. Acceptance is the key to an easier recovery journey.

Benzodiazepine seclusion - Tips For Coping Successfully